Jul 26, 2008

camp highlites

I think I learned about 98% of our students' names, which I'm pretty proud of myself for doing.

The messages weren't what we expected, but God still rocked some worlds. Hume's program and rec are always top notch. No exception this year.

Some chump robbed the boys' cabin a couple times, netting about $250 when all was said and done.

I got to be a part of a "Dudes" seminar, answering questions from the 400-500 guys in the audience about everything from porn to weed to overcoming addictions.

The question "Has anyone ever told you that you look like Dane Cook" was asked of me at least 200 times.

I never went in the lake or the pool. I have no idea how that happened... I love the lake and the pool! It's hard for me to do anything else when there's a good volleyball game available.

We had the best "church wrap-up" conversation thing ever. We got all of our students together on the last day, and what happened there made me confident that God is alive and well, and that our students won't be satisfied by anything less than everything He has for them.


Anonymous said...

Good to have you back....well, technologically at least. :)

ayates said...

thanks Ryan! So glad that God has brought you to Calvary!!! I know that God is always working and I am thankful that He is working through you. Blessings, Allison Yates

Christopher. said...

Elaborate, yo! On the sermons not being what you expected.
And the wrap ups.

I didn't go in the lake either or the pool.

I wasn't really thinking about my camera getting stolen, though it was sitting ontop of my bed the whole time.

But, some kids drove up to me at sonic yesterday and threw a big cup of water all over me. Not exactly loosing $250, but people in Africa would've appreciated it!

I think those connect somehow

Ryan Guard said...

Well when we heard that it was going to be a "doctrine-focused week", we were expecting something like Lee Strobel's material (A Case for ________). But it turned out to be more foundational stuff without a lot of apologetics behind it. Basically, almost all of our students already believed everything they were told to believe- they still weren't sure what evidence was out there to support it. The talks were effective- they led to some great discussions, but they just weren't what we had expected.

The wrap-up was ridiculously good, and I just can't find words to describe it.

Anonymous said...

Dane Cook?!! Ha! I just don't see it at all... how strange!

Bryan said...

I miss you, oh how I miss you.


Breanna said...

I definantly see a little dane cook in you :D haha

-Breanna Maples