I'll be taking a break from this blog for a couple weeks, but I will be one of the authors over at THIS blog while I'm gone! Swing by and say hello. I'll try to give a daily update on our happenings in Boracay (if I can make it over to the internet cafe).
We're helping to build a three-story hospital/school that will provide free medical care and education for the severely under-resourced people on the island of Boracay. We're also helping to feed somewhere around 600 small children that come every day for food and water. I'm so honored that I get to be a part of this.
It's about 90 degrees and up around 80-90% humidity, so I might be the hospital's first patient! I've got an awesome group of high school students and a few adult leaders that are ready to go. Send your prayers our way!
Praying for you and the Calvary High School Team. Psalm 121 is our prayer for the travelers. "My strength comes from God." "He won't let you stumble" "God won't fall asleep" "God is at your side to protect you" "shielding you from sunstroke" "He guards you from every evil" "He guards you when you leave and when you return"
"He guards you always"
This is our prayer for you!
Darrell and Judy Evans
I am praying for you as well, and I hope and pray all stay that way or changes for the better.
I love you and miss you so much.
I leave for Alabama on the 14th or 15th of August.
i hope it goes really well. thanks for all you do.
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