Jun 30, 2008

what if

What if there was no heaven or hell- would you still be a Christian?


Why not?


jimmy said...

Yes. Jesus showed us a better way to live. Even if there weren't a reward at the end, it's just a better way of doing things.

Ryan Guard said...

Thanks Jimmy! What would evangelism look like if it wasn't about saving souls I wonder?

Ryan Dunn said...

Jesus for President lays out an interesting thought: that the Christian lifestyle isn't so much about reaching heaven in an afterlife... but about bringing heaven to earth. That's what Jesus was instructing us how to do. I'm inspired by that... so I'd say "yes." Evangelism then becomes about compassion and meeting peoples needs, not about saving them from eternal torment.

Ryan Guard said...

Well said, Ryan!

Anonymous said...

ryan d - that's what nt wright's new book 'surprised by hope' gets to the heart of, with some adept theological work. check it out if you haven't yet.


Ryan Guard said...

Thanks Andrew- I read that one a few months back.