Sep 13, 2008

lazy day update

I visited Talbot yesterday and got to meet a couple of advisers. There's really only one degree that is appealing to me so far- the MA in Spiritual Formation. Only about 20% of people that apply for the degree program get accepted, but I'm an optimist. I would love to check out Fuller Seminary, but they're just too far away, and I'm not interested in studying at their extension campus in Irvine. Too small.

Got to watch the Angels beat the Mariners last night, courtesy of a walk-off homer by Mike Napoli. The crowd went nuts... those Angels fans know how to watch a game!

Hanging with Linds at home today. She's coughing a bunch, which won't stop her from screaming for her Buckeyes tonight at 5pm. I hope they win so she feels better.

Hoping that there are no more Ikes or train collisions this week. Seems like there has been an abundance of bad news this week- more than usual.


Anonymous said...


Just found you in the blog world. I added your site to my blog as a link! I hope you are doing good. It seems like you are adjusting well to California. Enjoy the lazy day!

Chip Neal

Neal Benson said...

Hey man,
I am doing my MDIV at fuller right now and I love it! I am in the Southwest extension campus and am learning so much.