So, I've got some big news!
I accepted a position in the high school ministry at Calvary Church of Santa Ana!!
Linds and I fell in love with this church and the staff right away. They've got huge hearts, an amazing reputation, and a really compelling vision! We'll be joining a team that already has a thousand amazing things going for them. We haven't nailed down a start date, but I think we're aiming for June 22nd. That's their promotion Sunday, so... I'll be new and scared, the incoming freshmen will be new and scared, and it will be perfect :)
We're definitely sad to say goodbye to our amazing friends in AZ. We love you guys so much, and you are all invited to come and visit us any time! We may be in an apartment for a little while, so you might be on the couch, but who cares?!?! We're like ten minutes from the beach, and Disneyland, and I'm sure a million other things.
Much more info to come!
THIS IS BRILLIANT NEWS! i'm so excited to be able to see how God is going to use you at Calvary. love you guys and couldn't be more excited!
Ryan im going to miss you buddy and i hope you will come back sometime to see us. Thanks for everything you have taught me and showed me. I know that everything is going to work out the way its supposed to. Love you tons!
lil Ryan Lynch
p.s june 22nd is my 18th Birthday!
i pressed comment when i wasn't finished, hence the deleted. anywho:
Wow r-guard. I'm honestly 100% excited for you.
If you were here you'd see how big my smile is!
I'm positive those kids will love you a ton, and I'm glad that they get to get a slice of your heart and see what you're motives are. You've taught me so much and inspired me to do things that keep me growing everyday. You HAVE to get them to come to hume next summer on the same week as us!
We going to hang out oneeee more time at least before you leave? Hopefully you're not tooo busy anymore, now that you don't have to worry about unemployment :p
You are going to light up socal with the word. I'm so excited for you guys. I've been praying that God puts you both where the truth needs to be heard. Go gettem tiger!
:) im really happy you found another church you are happy with.
I'll pray that god works through you in amazing ways while your their. I'm pretty sure the kids will love you.
YAY!!! I'm so excited for you both. Can't wait to see all the amazing things God will do through you in Cali.
congrats. welcome to socal.
after you get settled, we'll need to connect.
Does this you wont be buying drugs from me anymore? I can do Fedex if you like? My cousin deals out there in the OC, I can give you his info if you want.
Wow! I am sooo excited for you guys. They have no idea what a great team they are getting. Congratulations.
Brian. Maybe some day you'll see what God is doing at Calvary up close and in person, eh, eh, wink?! haha. I've already got Chavez coming after his summer in Mexico!!!
Merge kiddos: Good grief I'm gonna miss you guys. Move to Santa Ana when you graduate!!
Pablo. You're not a real drug dealer, because drug dealers aren't awake at 9:18 am.
so this means sometime this summer...3-5 of us jump on some buses ....with bags... and 378.8 miles in 5 hours and 45 minutes and be on time for bible study.......haha you may think im kidding.
- im so stoked for you knowing what you did for me and what you can do...oooo boy there is something seriously going to happen were god places you my friend :0 god bless good luck love ya
I miss my buddy Brandon a lot. Get on that bus :) You guys always have a place to stay!
We here at Calvary can't wait for you to get here! Good luck with your move and we'll see you in June.
Susie S
Hey Ryan, this is Julie P your admin from Calvary Church Student Ministries! We are looking forward to your arrival! We live in some great apartments in Irvine about 8 minutes from Church that you just may like (Las Palmas). It's a perfect little community in here! Here is the link:
If you like it, put us down as your referral. Blessings, Julie
Allow me to be the first from Calvary H.S. staff to welcome you to Calvary. As part of the volunteer staff (small group leader) I am excited and looking forward to working with you for the Lord. You are going to have a blast! And the weather ain't too bad either.
In Him,
Dale Hedges
Check out the other thing I do:
Dale Hedges
Dale, you're uh, kinda late
Hey, I'm Rhoni. I am one of the students of the High School Group at Calvary Church of Santa Ana. I'm a freshman now, but when you get here, I'll be a sophomore. I've never seen you before, but just by reading the comments of others, I know you're a great guy. I'm really glad you are coming to replace Matt. My friend, Elaine, says she saw you speak once and she was hoping that the church would pick you for the job, and they did. We need a really good pastor to replace Matt. My dad told me that he talked to you for a bit at Man Camp and said that you seemed like a really fun guy. I can't wait to meet you!
Hi Rhoni!
Thanks so much for the comment. I'll see you in a few weeks!
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